1. |
I am
the sort of person who appreciates having situations explained to me |
2. |
I tend
to feel inadequate compared to people I think have more education and/or
experience than I do
3. |
I do
not like to have to take responsibility for the mistakes of others |
4. |
I am
prepared to take a leap in the dark |
5. |
socially and in business, people are naturally drawn to me |
6. |
It is
okay to have a cluttered desk if you know where everything is |
7. |
I am
not the sort of person who needs to be pushed to do something |
8. |
I find
that I give into the wishes of others too easily |
9. |
I feel
very comfortable knowing that I am in charge of my life |
10. |
I get
frustrated if people who have a contribution to make hold back |
11. |
I would
rather pitch in and do things than talk about them |
12. |
I avoid
confronting things about myself that I don’t like |
13. |
I get
a kick out of other people’s happiness |
14. |
something goes wrong I try to find out why before taking further action |
15. |
I have
to be told of the effect I am having on other people |
16. |
I believe
that white collar crime is as bad as any other form of crime |
17. |
I think
it is vital that Terms of Employment be varied to meet individual needs |
18. |
It is
not a good thing to pre-judge situations and people |
19. |
I don’t
like to spend time figuring out things that I am uncertain about |
20. |
I believe
that the overall picture is more important than the details |
21. |
I am interrupted during a conversation, I lose the thread of what I was
trying to say |
22. |
is no such thing as can’t |
23. |
I only
get involved in activities that I can commit to wholeheartedly |
24. |
I am
frustrated by people who preface their remarks with ‘If only…’ |
25. |
people know what they want it is a waste of time trying to change their
minds |
26. |
I find
it easy to get on with people who are different from me |
27. |
I tend
to do things even though I am frightened of doing them |
28. |
I prefer
to work with colleagues who are not easily distracted from the current
task |
29. |
I tend
to put off trying new things |
30. |
I think
it is unfair that a manager is expected to take responsibility for the
actions of his/her juniors |
31. |
is vital if you want to be successful at what you do |
32. |
It is
unethical to expect people to behave one way if you behave in another
way |
33. |
who delegate are looking for the easy way out |
34. |
is a vital ingredient in the success of any organization |
35. |
Is coaching
a part of a manager’s role? |
36. |
I can’t
help it, but I let my personal feelings affect my actions |
37. |
I often
find myself concentrating on the person rather than listening to what
he or she is saying |
38. |
I try
to find new ways of doing things |
39. |
I think
it is more productive to tackle a problem head on than to sit back and
hope it will go away |
40. |
when it is risky I want to get involved |
41. |
I am
famous around the office for my powers of concentration |
42. |
I am
able to stand up in front of a large group of people and speak |
43. |
tight control over financial matters is necessary if a business is to
continue to succeed |
44. |
the best solution to any problem, no matter how small, gives me a buzz |
45. |
The most
effective way to change someone’s point of view is to offer convincing
reasons |
46. |
I feel
disappointed with myself if I undertake to do something and then do not
deliver |
47. |
It is
okay to exaggerate as long as you are not found out |
48. |
I prefer
to work in high energy environments |
49. |
someone says ‘I’ll think about it’, I give them time
to do so |
50. |
I can
form worthwhile relationships with people I come into contact with |
51. |
I would
rather tell someone what to do than try to persuade them |
52. |
If I
see something I want and I have limited funds, I use credit |
53. |
the team support a weak leader? |
54. |
is always something better elsewhere |
55. |
is nothing wrong with flattery if it helps you get your own way |
56. |
I believe
I can generally get my own way by using a convincing argument |
57. |
I try
to be confident, think positively and maintain as high a profile as possible |
58. |
I seek
to clarify things that I am uncertain about |
59. |
I think
multi-skilling is an important development in work practices |
60. |
I avoid
giving my criticisms because I am afraid people may hold a grudge |
61. |
I find
it hard to criticise other people constructively because I don’t
want to hurt their feelings |
62. |
I believe
that the only person who is really interested in doing the best work for
me is me |
63. |
My colleagues
look to me to initiate new projects |
64. |
is one big contract; I enjoy committing myself to my part of the deal |
65. |
If you
have to cut corners to meet deadlines, you need to know which ones |
66. |
I get
irritated and disillusioned when others agree to participate and then
pull out at the last minute |
67. |
I find
myself responding eagerly to diversions |
68. |
I find
I can stick to my guns even if I make an unpopular decision |
69. |
It is
better to be a good team player than a talented loner |
70. |
My colleagues
tend to regard me as extremely good at presenting new ideas |
71. |
I do it better and quicker, I prefer to do my own work |
72. |
I agree
with the statement that when the going gets tough, the tough get going |
73. |
I am
not a good coach but I do try to develop others |
74. |
I find
it easy to communicate in discussions with my colleagues |
75. |
I stand
up for my rights, even in the face of heated antagonism and aggression |
76. |
I leave
it to other people to start conversation |
77. |
I am
very wary of forming personal relationships at work |
78. |
nothing I enjoy more than mucking around doing nothing in particular |
79. |
In conversation
I prefer to call a spade a spade, even if it hurts someone’s feelings |
80. |
I think
it is very important to discount prices to achieve sales |
81. |
I am
easily distracted from the task in hand |
82. |
I am praised for my efforts I secretly know that it was a fluke |
83. |
I prefer
to do a job myself rather than risk others making mistakes |
84. |
I often
have difficulty calling people I know I should call |
85. |
I believe
my colleagues would regard me as a very decisive person |
86. |
I find
it hard to stand up to other people’s arguments |
87. |
My mind
has a tendency to wander when someone is talking to me |
88. |
I like
to pay creditors immediately I receive their bills |
89. |
I am
prepared to cut corners to achieve a result |
90. |
I budget
my business and personal finances |
91. |
I like
to work on the major tasks in a project and leave the detail to others |
92. |
I have
trouble saying ‘no’ to things I like doing but really shouldn’t
do |
93. |
I play
within the rules |
94. |
I enjoy
giving others work so that they have the opportunity to participate and
share in the reward |
95. |
I think
it is very important to let people save face if they have to admit they
are wrong |
96. |
I am
not surprised at the comments at my work performance reviews |
97. |
I believe
it is more important to be proactive than reactive |
98. |
is another name for indecision |
99. |
I become
defensive when I feel I am being criticised |
100. |
I enjoy
working on tasks that involve a lot of detail |
101. |
are times when I feel the world is against me |
102. |
I tend
to ‘go with the flow’ |
103. |
I have
a tendency not to listen at meetings, especially as the likely outcomes
are usually fairly obvious |
104. |
The spoken
word is my preferred way of communication with others |
105. |
I prefer
to limit my incoming telephone calls and return them when it suits me |
106. |
I am
happy to take on a leadership role, with all that it implies |
107. |
I like
to think that I have a practical view of life |
108. |
I find
it is valuable to go out and seek other people’s opinions on the
work I am doing |
109. |
Do you
believe criticism can have a positive impact? |
110. |
I monitor
my degree of achievement on an ongoing basis |
111. |
usually deserve a second chance no matter what they have done in the past |
112. |
I think
it can be constructive to lose your temper |
113. |
At work,
maintaining friendships is a high priority for me |
114. |
I bounce
out of bed every morning |
115. |
My family
and workmates tend to regard me as a talker |
116. |
I have
great difficulty in handling each piece of paper only once |
117. |
I believe
it is more effective to plan a project in detail before taking action |
118. |
I undertake to do something I do it |
119. |
I think
people who ask a lot of questions are often simply prying |
120. |
say I explain things well |
121. |
I have been presented with different points of view, I find it hard to
make up my mind |
122. |
Do you
feel comfortable and confident expressing your opinion? |
123. |
who don’t plan their lives and act on their plans will tend to struggle |
124. |
I like
to have a go at things even though I might not be good at them |
125. |
A really
convincing sob story can make me change my mind |
126. |
I am
quick to grasp the situation around me |
127. |
Do you
tend to sit back and look on even if you don’t agree with what is
being done or said? |
128. |
I go
out of my way to find answers to things that puzzle me |
129. |
colleagues are upset, I usually leave them alone to work it out for themselves |
130. |
I feel
deflated when people disagree with me |
131. |
I believe
it is quite okay to continue to insist if you really want something |
132. |
my friends and colleagues describe me as a meticulous person |
133. |
If I
don’t get an answer to a question, I ask it in a different way |
134. |
I only
buy non-essential items when I have the cash to do so |
135. |
I find
it easy to set goals and stick to them |
136. |
The challenge
of convincing others brings out the best in me |
137. |
I believe
there is no harm in telling white lies, especially if it is to get someone
out of trouble |
138. |
I believe
that you will have to deliberately tread on someone when you are climbing
up the corporate ladder |
139. |
I don’t
get weary because I keep busy |
140. |
I think
the effect of body language is over-rated |
141. |
I find
it difficult to adhere to a work pattern |
142. |
I find
gossiping is a very useful source of information |
143. |
I like
to plan for my future so that I will succeed in life |
144. |
who don’t help themselves don’t deserve help |
145. |
I prefer
to work with tried and proven methods and systems |
146. |
I get
frustrated with colleagues who spend time trying to puzzle out uncertainties |
147. |
though effective delegation takes time, it makes my job easier |
148. |
a task to the required standard is its own reward |
149. |
My nickname
in the office could be ‘Snoopy’ |
150. |
It is
easier and more efficient to do the job yourself than to train someone
else to do it |
151. |
I think
there is nothing wrong with living on your reputation |
152. |
I believe
that what I am today is the result of forces over which I have no control |
153. |
I have
great difficulty in sitting down and tackling complex problems |
154. |
I have
great difficulty in being assertive with aggressive people |
155. |
I identify
with people who always seem to allow their heads to rule their hearts |
156. |
I often
work long hours because it suits me |
157. |
I often
don’t ask for what I want |
158. |
really keeps me down for long |
159. |
others should be left to experts, it’s not my role |
160. |
I become
frustrated when colleagues need constant pushing to achieve results |
161. |
I practise
fair play in everything I do |
162. |
I would
rather be the soloist than sing in the chorus |
163. |
I don’t
demand answers from my colleagues when things are not right |
164. |
I have
a tendency to be a little short financially at the end of the month |
165. |
I would
rather communicate in writing than talk |
166. |
people should listen more and talk less |
167. |
I believe
that it is necessary to put the interests of the group before one person’s
interests |
168. |
I regard
superannuation as only one avenue to explore for personal financial success |
169. |
should be told about the features and benefits of any product, service
or idea, even though they might not ask for them |
170. |
I find
it highly frustrating when colleagues become stubborn about minor issues |
171. |
I can
relate to people on an emotional level |
172. |
I find
it easy to strike up conversation with people I do not know |
173. |
I believe
that colleagues who fail to adapt to current realities tend to be unsuccessful |
174. |
I become
impatient if I don’t get my own way |
175. |
I try
to think of my answer while someone is talking to me |
176. |
know better than to disturb me when I am working on a project |
177. |
are doers and ditherers and I am a doer |
178. |
I would
rather help develop someone else’s ideas than have to come up with
my own |
179. |
I am
pleased with the way my life is turning out |
180. |
Do you
have a tendency to go off in all directions at once? |
181. |
I do
not regard myself as a person who would break new ground in business |
182. |
might have been is not worth thinking about |
183. |
I find
I work more effectively when I use systems and controls |
184. |
tend to remind others of my contributions and efforts
185. |
your own mistakes is necessary for personal growth |
186. |
Do you
tend to lose things you’re working on? |
187. |
I am
saddened when I see or learn about people being taken advantage of |
188. |
I see
it as an important part of my job to train others |
189. |
I tend
not to let things in life daunt me |
190. |
I find
it easy to live with the results of my actions |
191. |
If I
know I have achieved something, it doesn’t worry me whether others
acknowledge my achievement or not |
I like
to spend a lot of time weighing up the ‘fors’ and ‘againsts’
before I commit myself, even if it irritates others |
193. |
I tend
to be at the mercy of others’ opinions |
A lot
of modern psychoanalysis simply provides people with excuses for bad behaviour
and lack of personal control |
195. |
If you
are flexible, people take advantage of you |
196. |
I tend
to take ‘no’ for an answer because I don’t want to argue |
197. |
often come to me for advice |
198. |
My commitment
to a long-term task tends to diminish over a period of time |
199. |
I find
I work best when I have a clearly defined objective |
200. |
I find
it difficult to adjust my thinking on complex issues |
201. |
I am
disappointed when my colleagues find it difficult to admit their mistakes |
202. |
is just another name for avoiding making the hard decisions |
203. |
colleagues fail to meet my expectations I get very angry |
204. |
In difficult
situations, I am regarded as a calming influence |
205. |
It is
very important to plan before taking action |
206. |
I find
it challenging to have to make hard decisions that will have an impact
on others |
207. |
budgets and constraints are more important for companies than for personal
finances |
I believe
that most salespeople don’t think about the needs of their customers,
they just want to sell something |
209. |
I prefer
not to challenge the system |
210. |
I would
prefer to make no decision than the wrong decision |
211. |
I tend
to accept what life dishes out |
212. |
I find
it easy to put myself in another person’s shoes |
213. |
It is
true that if you want something done, you should ask the busiest person
to do it |
214. |
I am
fully aware of what I can achieve and how to achieve it |
215. |
others is not as important as getting the job done |
216. |
I am
irritated if I have to change my plans at short notice |
217. |
A job
finished quickly is a job well done |
218. |
I don’t
believe you should try to change things just for the sake of change |
219. |
I like
nothing better than to sit down and complete a complex jigsaw puzzle |
220. |
people make their own luck |
221. |
I find
it easy to delegate tasks to other people |
222. |
I get
irritated if I am asked too many questions |
223. |
I believe
I would ultimately feel bad if I stole someone’s ideas and presented
them as my own |
224. |
often need to boost my confidence |
225. |
I usually
stand up for the rights of others no matter the circumstances |
226. |
I find
it important to refuse telephone calls if I am working on an important
project |
227. |
I am
able to express myself more confidently in writing than in speaking |
228. |
does not mean loss of control |
229. |
It often
seems that bad things happen to me through no fault of my own |
230. |
I insist
that my point of view is very important and should be listened to |
231. |
I hate
not having enough to do |
232. |
I very
rarely let things really get to me |
233. |
I am
a curious and inquisitive person |
234. |
I enjoy
the responsibility of making decisions, particularly in complex situations |
235. |
I am very busy I get things done |
236. |
I try
to concentrate very hard on what people are saying to me |
237. |
I prefer
to work a single project through rather than work on a variety of projects
at the same time |
238. |
someone is more effective than persuading them |
239. |
I find
it easy to make decisions even if I am under pressure |
240. |
In conversations
I find myself thinking of other things I have to do |
241. |
are people who can’t do the jobs themselves |
242. |
I would
rather cover up a mistake nobody else has noticed than admit to it |
243. |
I tackle a task I really like to give it my all |
244. |
my work group, I am the one they look to for new ideas |
245. |
than hurt someone’s feelings, I am prepared to leave something unsaid |
246. |
I find
creative problem solving is the most exciting aspect of a job |
247. |
If a
shop assistant gives someone too much change, that’s the assistants
bad luck |
248. |
I keep
striving no matter how long it takes to achieve the standards I desire |
249. |
I keep
my word when I agree to do something |
250. |
I think
all forms of criticism are demoralising and hurtful because they mean
you didn’t do well enough |
251. |
are two sides to every argument |
252. |
I tend
to put off work that requires attention to detail |
253. |
I find
it stimulating and rewarding to work in a supervisory capacity |
254. |
It is
important to be open in your dealings with people |
255. |
I am
sensitive to what is happening around me |
256. |
Do you
keep a daily ‘To Do’ list? |
257. |
My colleagues
regard me as very approachable |
258. |
I feel
satisfaction if I can help other members of the team come up to scratch |
259. |
I believe
the best form of decision making is consensus |
260. |
is the best policy, but very difficult to implement |
261. |
I set
goals but I have trouble achieving them |
262. |
I enjoy
great satisfaction if I can convince someone to change his/her point of
view |
263. |
I get
a kick out of helping other people develop their talents and expertise |
264. |
Tattslotto would solve all my problems |
265. |
I am asked to comment on something, I try to see the positive as well
as negative |
266. |
I enjoy
seeing others succeed |
267. |
I enjoy
challenging the status quo |
268. |
I regard
myself as always ready to form relationships |
269. |
The best
way to achieve something is to set goals and meet them |
270. |
I believe
most people are ultimately good |
271. |
are a certainty of life, I prefer to find a key to all of them |
272. |
It is
okay to tear to shreds off someone who has let you or the team down |
273. |
I walk into a room, I can sense the atmosphere |
274. |
I always
expect to achieve more than I actually manage to do |
275. |
I continually
seek others’ approval |
276. |
I prefer
to act first and work out the details later |
277. |
I have
trouble sticking to commitments I have made |
278. |
I enjoy
life |
279. |
I let
my life take its own course |
280. |
I become
impatient when someone is talking to me at length |
281. |
I am
regarded as someone who can be relied on to work effectively in the group |
282. |
I am involved in a project I tend to hold back if I’m not sure of
myself |
283. |
It is
easier to do a job yourself than ask someone else to do it |
284. |
I am
prepared to persist, even if I am faced with strong opposition |
285. |
I avoid
people who put things in the ‘too hard’ basket |
286. |
I can
easily persuade others to adopt my point of view |
287. |
I believe
there is nothing wrong with telling white lies |
288. |
I often
try to avoid the mundane parts of my job, even if I know they are important |
289. |
I find
myself wishing for the Good Old Days when things were better |
290. |
selling a product, service or idea I usually test people’s reactions
to what I’m saying as I go |
291. |
To be
successful in sales, I usually believe that one should sell solutions |
292. |
I find
it necessary to compromise my standards to achieve my goals |
293. |
I enjoy
the challenge of talking to large groups of people |
294. |
I believe
people should act rationally rather than emotionally |
295. |
I find
it easy to do routine work that involves a lot of detail |
296. |
It is
important to plan where you want to go, otherwise you won’t know
when you get there |
297. |
It is
okay to criticise as long as it is constructive |
298. |
I attempt to convince someone about something, I usually try and find
out what they want first |
299. |
would say that I stand up for my own rights |
300. |
I have commenced a project, I do not let unexpected obstacles put me off |
301. |
am a person who likes to roll up my sleeves and get the job done |
302. |
I feel
that others will think I’m stupid if I ask too many questions |
303. |
I would
rather tell a lie than get someone else in trouble |
304. |
I ask
for what I want even though I expect opposition |
305. |
solving is a complex activity; I look for the quick solution |
306. |
I feel
life is full of great opportunities |
307. |
If somebody
made a mistake, I would leave it unreported than dob a person in |
308. |
I believe
that listening is a skill that has to be learned |
309. |
to achieve my personal standards is my number one priority |
310. |
I can
stick to a strict routine quite easily |
311. |
is impossible |
312. |
I tend
to find faults in things and other people |
313. |
I don’t
say what I really think because I want to remain friends with people |
314. |
has not always been fair to me |
315. |
means you have access to a greater range of choices |
316. |
If I
believe in something passionately enough I lose perspective |
317. |
I do
not like being in a situation where I have to rely on other people |
318. |
I enjoy
coaching my colleagues to improve their performances |
319. |
I think
it is important to get the detail right |
320. |
I just
do it |
321. |
quality is a good way to cut costs |
322. |
noise tends to distract me from my task |
323. |
I set
priorities and review them regularly |
324. |
I try
not to let things pile up until the pile appears overwhelming |
325. |
is always necessary |
326. |
I try
to think up an excuse if something goes wrong because of me |
327. |
In meetings
I like to challenge the facts and the opinions of others |
328. |
If I
achieve the desired result, it doesn’t matter how I got there |
329. |
I handle
criticism well because I know it will probably help me improve my performance |
330. |
I find
that clarifying and explaining uncertainties comes easily to me |
331. |
you give is what you get back |
332. |
I am
able to continue to clarify something until I have it clearly in focus |
333. |
I enjoy
meeting new people and listening to their conversation |
334. |
I am engaged in a task, I have a single track mind |
335. |
should not participate in things if it will make them look foolish |
336. |
I often
don’t ask questions because I might not like some of the answers |
337. |
trying to persuade others about an idea, service or product I use questions
rather than simply tell them |
338. |
I tend
to make decisions quickly and often regret the result |
339. |
I am
unable to keep up with work schedules I draw up for myself |
340. |
If I
knew a colleague was cheating the company, I would like to think I would
turn him/her in |
341. |
A team
of good players is far more effective than a number of brilliant individuals |
342. |
I often
try to teach others to improve their skills |
343. |
I find
it hard to ask someone to do a task I could do myself |
344. |
I try
to set myself goals and objectives that are within my capabilities |
345. |
say they respect my judgement in making decisions |
346. |
I usually
go out of my way to help someone in need |
347. |
In order
to meet deadlines, near enough is good enough |
348. |
I think
it is important to keep up with what is happening outside my own department |
349. |
I am
a believer in fate |
350. |
I try
to make a contribution, however small, in everything I do |
351. |
I find
it hard to accept that the end justifies the means |
352. |
I like
to have all the detailed facts before me before making decisions |
353. |
I think
the saying ‘anything for a quiet life’ has a lot going for
it |
354. |
I am
irritated when I must continually remind colleagues to do things |
355. |
I can
still achieve my goals even when I lack energy |
356. |
I don’t
accept other people’s actions at face value |
357. |
I believe
it is more effective to achieve change by persuasion rather than by using
your authority |
358. |
I get
frustrated when someone tries to talk over me rather than listen to me
first |
359. |
If I
really believe in an issue I get worked up about it |
360. |
who know they lose things should set up a system to ensure they don’t |
361. |
financial statements is a nightmare, I tend to let the accountants explain
it to me |
362. |
should be prepared to develop themselves rather than seek help from others |
363. |
I am
not put off by obstacles that get in the way of me achieving my goals |
364. |
I am
prepared to go into the unknown |
365. |
It is
not necessary to plan in the short term |
366. |
I try
to put some extra funds into my savings plan at the end of each month |
367. |
I like
to seek out adventure |
368. |
I find
it advantageous to modify my behaviour to suit the situation |
369. |
I try
to put off making difficult decisions, particularly if they will hurt
others |
370. |
I tend
to be surprised when I fail at a task |